Youth are active in all aspects of ministry at UCC, Midland. Youth are invited to serve as ushers and liturgist, prepare communion, sing in the choir, play musical offerings during worship, work the sound board, help in Sunday School classrooms, be Vacation Bible School leaders, serve during the annual church fundraiser, play on church sports teams, and more...! We believe in an inter-generational community that is intentional about learning to practice love, forgiveness, social justice, and generosity. Twice per year, Youth help to plan and lead an entire worship service for the congregation.

Youth Group

 Youth Programming is for students in 6th-12th grade, and friends are always welcome! We understand that most youth families have very busy schedules, so activities are planned in advance so they can easily be put on your calendar. Youth advisors, Rev. Roger Pancost and Jenn Ringgold, make every effort to make this time meaningful, quality time. Youth Group usually meets two times per month during the school year for one service activity and one social activity. During the summer months, we have a Youth Mission Trip or a local Youth Mission Project, and one social gathering in July and August. Confirmation is offered periodically and meets 3 Sundays per month during the school year.